Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Re-written version of....Wrote it myself :)?

As a Teen I have Noticed that if we%26#039;re doing THE RIGHT thing we wont have a problem with Our Parents but if we%26#039;re doing the WRONG thing we will ALLOW ME TO EXPLAIN!!!

1. Cant Date until you 18( IF you ARE a GIRL)....Now I%26#039;ve noticed it%26#039;s not the same for boys WANT KNOW WHY? .......BEACUSE Boys cant get PREGNATED and they aren%26#039;t as HOT (tailed)and Fast AS WE ARE( sorry girls I%26#039;m just telling it like it is)

2. Shopping with your mom *under the age of 20*, You want tube top and a mini skirt, and some Hooker shoes she tells you NO! and says %26quot; I%26#039;m not going have people Talking About ME!%26quot;.....Want Know Why?...U know U do.......BEACUSE U A CHILD!!! and whatever U do doesn%26#039;t reflect on YOU, it reflects on THEM! and if U know like I know! they are not going to have their child getting talked about like some street head!!!( U got to be deep within the country to know what street head is LOL)

3. You out with friends *under the age of 20 but above the age of 12* U see and know and smell U about to break curfew! but you want go someplace else/having to much fun with your friends so instead of calling MOM or DAD to ASK! %26quot; can I stay out a little while longer%26quot; you come in 30 min late and get in trouble now U mad cause you grounded(or something like that) when U could have avoided that now U crying cause your parents probably don%26#039;t trust you, feel as you%26#039;ve taken advantage of them, or U flat out just don%26#039;t give a darn! That%26#039;s your fault........simple ways of avoiding that!..........Call and say %26quot; mom/dad(or whoever is taking care of U) can I stay out a little bit longer........or..........call and say I%26#039;m going to be a little bit late but I%26#039;m on my way....or JUST HAVE YO BUTT IN THA HOUSE!!!....

4. Chaperones I love chaperones! .but I know most of U don%26#039;t!.......and you wanna fly the coop when your parents say is so in so%26#039;s mom going to be there ............ most of us lie and say %26quot;Yes%26quot; ........Take it from me, do U know how much stuff U got to do to back that up? all the calls and plans you got to make just for that little %26quot;yes%26quot; to work out!........so I learned to say %26quot;no%26quot;(If U read my story %26quot;blistered bottom%26quot; yeah that one!)....it%26#039;s so much easier to tell the truth than lie.......Do U know why our Parents ask us that? FOR THE SAFTY OF THERE NO GOOD CHILD!!! Just Hard Headed!!! like grand mama use to say %26quot; Hard head will make a Soft *** %26quot; LOL

5. Lets say your *who ever%26#039;s watching you* gets you something you%26#039;ve always wanted U R happy and in love with it telling them Thank U I love U so much you%26#039;re the best (who ever%26#039;s watching you) I ever had you%26#039;re dancing all around the place bouncing off the dang walls!!! U doing stuff for (who%26#039;s ever watching you) and still saying I love U I love U, a couple of hours later you all go to the store/mall and U see something else you want, you ask ( who ever%26#039;s watching you) to get it they say %26quot;NO%26quot; 1st thing you do is BEG * pls can I have it * %26quot;NO%26quot; .....2nd thing you do TRY AGAIN * why not? please can I get it * %26quot;NO%26quot;......... 3rd thing you say is *You%26#039;re mean, I sit up there and did all my chores and washed the car and I cant even get this game to go with x-box U just bought for me!* %26quot; well I got you a game%26quot; *It%26#039;s not this one!!!! * ........YA%26#039; LL IS SOME UNGRATEFUL LITTLE BAS* I MEAN KIDS!!

6. We going Get enough!!! when our ( W E%26#039;s W U ) ask%26#039;s us where we%26#039;re going and we be like %26quot; why? I don%26#039;t ask you where you going!%26quot; ....Ya%26#039;ll want to know why you don%26#039;t get to go nowhere and your face hurts and you%26#039;re doing 4 to 3 months up in your room and hard labor around the house? Because their YOUR( W E%26#039;s W U ) You%26#039;re NOT THEIRS!!!

7. MOMS SEE EVERYTHING!!! so next time they tell U to do something avoid the EYE ROLLS before she knock them of the floor!!!

8. Heavy breathing and tongue clicking has to stop that has gotten so much stuff thrown at me, caused a lot of beaten%26#039;s and etc.

9. when ever you say these TWO words make sure they are true %26quot; I%26#039;M GROWN%26quot; LOLOL age aint nothing but a number!!!........see when you are grown ... You have Respect for yourself and others, You Have a JOB( stripping, working @ hooters, and being a prostitute doesn%26#039;t count sorry), You are NOT living with your care taker!!!, you paying your bills ( maybe not on time but you are paying your bills) you take responsibility for your own actions!!! and DONT forget to give GOD the Glory!!!( U pay your tithes) LOL

10. as you can see things have changed since we was growing up we don%26#039;t have big mama singing her old N3GRO spirituals now days big mama singing %26quot; freak a leek%26quot; want to know why? because grand mama 36 and great grand mama 50........so all I%26#039;m saying is be a part of your child%26#039;s life yes we may push you back but that%26#039;s only a sign you need to push a little harder because our push away is really a cry saying come mom/dad I want to talk hear me.......

Love U Leeza.......16.......

I%26#039;m 18 now :)

Re-written version of....Wrote it myself :)?
1. I don%26#039;t believe in letting boys date until they are 18 either hon.Why?Because I don%26#039;t want them making a baby they are not ready to raise and get in a relationship they are not ready to commit to.

2.If you dress like a wh-re, the guys WILL be attracted to you and sex is all they will think about and want AND WILL tell you EVERYTHING you want to hear and do ANYTHING to get it.

If they don%26#039;t get sex, they will dump you.If they do get sex they will dump you and you will get a bad rap fair or not.Also, kids will think your parents are trash for letting you dress like trash.

3.There is a reason they do not let you stay out until 3 A.M. hon.Watch where your friends end up.

4.If you lie and something goes wrong then your parents are responsible for you.A chapperone if they are trustworthy sees to it no one does something they aren%26#039;t supposed to do.

5.Look at kids in Mexico,Iraq,India,most don%26#039;t have a nice bed to sleep in they sleep on the dirt.Learn to be grateful for a place to live food to eat clothes etc, you live like KINGS AND QUEENS compared to most of the world.

6.The parents are adults and can go where they need to go and want to go and most cases DON%26#039;T want to go , like work everyday to make money to take care of you.They%26#039;d rather be spending their time with you hon.They have a right to know who your with and where your at and what you are doing.THEY are responsible for you if your at the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people.

7.Good advice.

8.More good advice.

9.Thats right your an adult when your supporting yourself.

10.Theres 3 things that haven%26#039;t changed.GOD hasn%26#039;t changed and neither HIS standards, satan hasn%26#039;t changed and wishes to destroy mankind, and man%26#039;s sinful nature hasn%26#039;t changed, it is still leading him away from GOD and what is right.
Reply:well said !


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